Friday 1 February 2013

Research and Planning: Contents Page + analysis

This is my final contents page for the magazine. From the top down analysis:

- The bar across the top of the page links with the bars above the sections of the magazine to give it a professional look and also it was a space to put the Magazine title 'Fuze.'

- The style of the title 'Contents' is in the style of a DJ magazine as it has a line above and below often seen as a feature and to make it stand out.

- To create the different shades on the right on the sub titles I used the eraser on 50% opacity to create different shades of letters this helps the sub titles for the sections stand out.

- The photos on the left display what contents there is in the magazine for example the photos of models is for the interviews section and the photos of the headphones is for the tech section.

- I used small photos on the right to give an insight into what is in each section. also small text is to the right detailing the contents of each section and the page number. 

- I added a bar along the bottom and posted a web address above it for the magazine so people can view content online.

1 comment:

  1. Your contents page works really well and each picture represents an aspect of your genre. I like how you have separated the pictures by putting them into different boxes. I think that it works really well.
