Wednesday 23 January 2013

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Improvement


Improvements include:

- I have now added the majority of the story I will use for my double page spread, I currently still need a DJs Name to use.

- I have also Used a logo Fuze Vip and wrote exclusive as it is the only magazine to get the interview.

- I have used guide lines to create columns to put my text so it looks professional instead of a large paragraph of text. 

- I have also added the month and page numbers along the bottom also making the magazine look professional and in order.

- I have used the same font through out the story I used the font 'Coolvetica' that I downloaded as it as an appropriate font and easy to read.

1 comment:

  1. Im going to tell you know this is a fantastic double page spread very well laid out leaving a lot I space for a picture , all Id say is FINISH IT and make the image to word ratio about 60:40 as most magazines have a bigger picture than they do words not 50:50
