Wednesday 23 January 2013

Research and Planning: Content Additional

This is the Magazine Contents with the Tech section Photos added, I am going to change the contents font and the number font on the left.

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Improvement


Improvements include:

- I have now added the majority of the story I will use for my double page spread, I currently still need a DJs Name to use.

- I have also Used a logo Fuze Vip and wrote exclusive as it is the only magazine to get the interview.

- I have used guide lines to create columns to put my text so it looks professional instead of a large paragraph of text. 

- I have also added the month and page numbers along the bottom also making the magazine look professional and in order.

- I have used the same font through out the story I used the font 'Coolvetica' that I downloaded as it as an appropriate font and easy to read.

Research and Planning: Contents Analysis

Friday 18 January 2013

Research and Planning: Location Research

I will use a few locations to take my photos for the cover, contents and double page spread. I will take photos in the media suite at college where I can easily modify the backdrop of the photos to suit the shot. Also I may use a location nearby where I live where there is a brick wall to get outdoor shots. Also I shall take photos inside where I can use technology to create photos to suit the genre.

Research and Planning: Pose Research

This photo is what I would like to recreate for my cover as it shows a DJ action shot, also instead of DJ decks I will replace them with an ipad app to create the same 'style'.

Research and Planning: Cover, Content and double page spread

The cover currently needs a photo adding to give it a proffesional touch.
My contents needs photos adding but the page and colour scheme has been created and developed.
My double page spread currently in mid way through production as the story needs to be finished and a final photo needs to be added.

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Story

Here we have our exclusive interview with ________ just days after his debut tour dates have been released!
We're you expecting your first gig to sell out?
Well I was hoping tickets were going to sell, but being sold out in the first 2 weeks of release was amazing! I am hoping for similar to happen with the tour but you can't always have what you want!

When is your album released?
It is released on the 28th of February in stores, but released a week later on iTunes!.

Were you ever expecting to make it big?
Since I Was younger I have always appreciated DJing and since a youngster experimented making and mixing songs, then I was playing in the clubs and got approached, it's all been a blur since then! Amazing experience.

Research and Planning: tech section photos

These are the shots for my contents page and the tech section of the magazine. These items would be associated with the DJ genre.