Friday 7 December 2012

Research and Planning: Still to be Done

- Plan my double page spread stories

  - Interview Questions
  - Answers to Questions
  - Shot to  be used
  - Name of Artist to be used

- Take photos for my magazine so far

  - Photo's to be taken near my house
  - Photo's will be taken during both night and day
  - Photo's taken using SLR

- Expand and do extra drafts

  - Improve drafts done so far
  - Add photo's to drafts
  - Begin double page spread plan
  - Find more fonts to experiment with.

- All will be done in detail and analysed

  - Will be done on photoshop in lessons and extra class.
  - In depth analysis of double page spread once done.
  - Plan placement of photo for double page spread.
  - complete all posts still not done.

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