Sunday 7 October 2012

research and planning: Music magazine analysis


Instantly with the front cover the Masthead informs you of the genre of the magazine, which in this case is DJ. The genre is also displayed in the subtitles on either side of the medium close up, informing of DJ artists upcoming and currently well known artists. Also the songs released recently by DJ's.

Target Audience

The target audience is also displayed in the masthead as as people who are appreciate DJ music would view this. The Target audience would typically be of the between 15-25, of student age as this music is often played at bars and clubs.


The layout is set around the face of the medium close up. and also has an album cover of a DJ in the bottom left. The Masthead is also small in order to fit more sub texts on either side of the image to give more information on what is inside.

Other information

The publication line 'living and dreaming of dance music' metaphorically meaning the reading have a large amount of appreciation for this genre. also it includes the website link so people can view other content.

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