Friday 26 October 2012

Research and Planning: Production Schedule

This is the order I am going to do the tasks in order to create my magazine.

Research and Planning: Music Magazine Interview Questions

This Questionairre was handed out to 10 boys and girls in my media class, aged 16-18, this was similar to those i would be targeting my magazine at. The feedback of these questions will be displayed on a future post.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Research and Planning: Music Magazine Draft Drawn

This is my draft of my music magazine including my chosen Masthead 'DJtech' I have used a written font style i found appropriate. I also included a publication line saying 'Upcoming DJ Info' for people who appreciate the genre and want even more info! There is the names of DJs on the right which may influence people to pick up the magazine to know the latest news about their music.

Research and Planning: Questionnaire Feedback

These are the results if my questionnaire, i did this questionnaire for the feedback on what information to use inside on the double page spread and what info to show on the front cover. I also asked wether anyone had any ideas for a masthead and i particularly like the name 'DJtech' the majority of people i asked were females and below the age of 18.

From the feedback I recieved I will probarbly use white red and maybe a blue or electric blue as the colour scheme for both the cover and contents page.

Friday 19 October 2012

Research and Planning: Questionnaire

This is the Questionnaire that I used to get feedback on what to include in my music magazine and cover and how to target more people. I have included the feedback I received in my next blogger post.I will go on to do another questionnaire asking random people for feedback for my Magazine.

Monday 15 October 2012

Research and Planning: Music Contents Analysis


The Genre is for people who like DJ music as it says in the text on the right about celebrity DJs and about parties and these go in depth in the later pages of this magazine.

Target audience

The target audience would be of student age as it is about parties and DJ music is played in clubs and is listened to by students. also the people in the right photo are of a young age. it doesnt really have a gender specific audience.


The layout shows the information that would have to be read is small and majority picture which shows it is aimed at people who 'could not be bothered' to read a large amount of text and would lose interest. also it shows the pages the information is on so readers can choose what to read out of the magazine.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread

This double page spread is from the magazine of a DJ genre called DJmag.

Genre - The genre is known as the interview and information is about a upcoming DJ. Also The photo's are slanted and show colours like grey and blue with multiple fades to add a 'rugged' effect to the photo's so they do not look like a classic style.

Target Audience - The target audience is people interested in the DJ genre and those who want to know information and interviews with DJs. The target age would be of student age, approximately ages 16-25 this is the age when people are likely to go to parties and clubs were DJ music is often played.

Layout - The Layout is very easy to understand, and the text is not in large chunks which is likely to put readers of the target age off. The questions asked in the interview are individual so easy to read and see the answers to questions you may want to, and ignore the ones you don't. The information on the right is also easy to read and understand and shows a list of his tracks on his new album so you can read through it easily.

Media Language - The shot types used are both medium close up shots. The colour scheme all matches except the red of the DJmag logo which makes it stand out so people know the brand of the mag. The titles also are slanted and italic to show the genre as not just being original and organised.

Research and Planning: My Target Audience


Monday 8 October 2012

Research and Planning: Analysis of 2 Music Magazine covers

This cover is of a DJ style magazine and is proven this by having a famous DJ on the front cover 'David guetta' the magazine also keeps to the 3 colour scheme using light pink, yellow and bold white, this makes the magazine look to a professional level and doesn't look like there is too much going on. The publication line says the address to the website so people can visit that and get more information on the music and about the magazine. The subtitles and text on the left mention about DJ's and subject to interest an admirer of DJs and the music style. It also says don't say in on the cover, so if someone had nothing to do this magazine could give them ideas on what to go out that would interest them.
This magazine is very basic but uses 2 colours of font, white and a pale blue. You can tell the audience this magazine is aimed at by the style of things like the masthead, this has a slice in it showing the violence and atmosphere of the music genre of the magazine. Also the publication line informs the reader what genres it includes information on as it says 'reggae grime and dubstep' and then on the right mentions the word bass which is a large part of these three genres. Finally at the base of the cover it has a list of artists the magazine includes information on their music and lifestyle.

Sunday 7 October 2012

research and planning: Music magazine analysis


Instantly with the front cover the Masthead informs you of the genre of the magazine, which in this case is DJ. The genre is also displayed in the subtitles on either side of the medium close up, informing of DJ artists upcoming and currently well known artists. Also the songs released recently by DJ's.

Target Audience

The target audience is also displayed in the masthead as as people who are appreciate DJ music would view this. The Target audience would typically be of the between 15-25, of student age as this music is often played at bars and clubs.


The layout is set around the face of the medium close up. and also has an album cover of a DJ in the bottom left. The Masthead is also small in order to fit more sub texts on either side of the image to give more information on what is inside.

Other information

The publication line 'living and dreaming of dance music' metaphorically meaning the reading have a large amount of appreciation for this genre. also it includes the website link so people can view other content.

Research and Planning: Music Magazine Masthead

These are the three font types I am considering using for my title. The first two I got the fonts from DaFont. I like the top one the best as I think it fits the genre. The bottom font I am unlikely to use as it looks as though it would be for a different genre like rock or electro.