Wednesday 19 December 2012

Research and Planning: Over Christmas:

I plan to fully complete my college draft cover contents and double page spread, have shots taken for all pages and complete any posts that are currently blank.

Monday 17 December 2012

Thursday 13 December 2012

Research and planning: double page spread story

Here we have our exclusive interview with ________ just days after his debut tour dates have been released!
We're you expecting your first gig to sell out?
Well I was hoping tickets were going to sell, but being sold out in the first 2 weeks of release was amazing! I am hoping for similar to happen with the tour but you can't always have what you want!

When is your album released?
It is released on the 28th of February in stores, but released a week later on iTunes!.

Were you ever expecting to make it big?
Since I Was younger I have always appreciated DJing and since a youngster experimented making and mixing songs, then I was playing in the clubs and got approached, it's all been a blur since then! Amazing experience.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Research and Planning: Serif Fonts

When creating my double page spread I will have to bring into consideration the font that I will use, I will use a font of the Serif style.

Friday 7 December 2012

Research and Planning: Refined Prop List

For my Photos I will be using Props and clothing to display a character to suit my DJ genre.

Headwear and props for genre:
Headphones similar to these will be worn as they would typically be seen worn by a DJ as they are known for their high quality. These will be the main prop to display the DJ genre.
 Clothes worn to suit Genre:

Research and Planning: Still to be Done

- Plan my double page spread stories

  - Interview Questions
  - Answers to Questions
  - Shot to  be used
  - Name of Artist to be used

- Take photos for my magazine so far

  - Photo's to be taken near my house
  - Photo's will be taken during both night and day
  - Photo's taken using SLR

- Expand and do extra drafts

  - Improve drafts done so far
  - Add photo's to drafts
  - Begin double page spread plan
  - Find more fonts to experiment with.

- All will be done in detail and analysed

  - Will be done on photoshop in lessons and extra class.
  - In depth analysis of double page spread once done.
  - Plan placement of photo for double page spread.
  - complete all posts still not done.

Research and Planning: Contents Page

This is the work i have done on my contents page so far, I used a font I got on I used the eraser on 50% opacity and rubbed out some of the letters for the subheadings, this gave and effect of grey font with a modern style. I used guide lines so all my titles were in line. I then went on to create faded boxes below the Titles for the contents and a small photo to go for ease of reading the contents.

Friday 30 November 2012

Research and Planning: Front Cover

This is My cover so far, the colour scheme will be changed to create a more appropriate colour scheme to go with the photo for the cover. I chose to use the title Fuze as DJtech made the magazine sound less about the music artists and more about technology for DJs for use, as this was to be a DJ music magazine the title was inappropriate. I used a font from called Base 02 and created shapes to go behind to give the effect of the blue breaking through.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Research and Planning: Cover Draft Photoshop

This Is my first cover draft which I experimented techniques, such as i created a mosaic style background behind the silhouette DJ. I liked the title of the Magazine but disliked the font on the base of the cover. I put a barcode on to give the magazine an effect of being real. To create the title I used the same font on DJ and Noize, but I put the noize on its size to decrease the size taken by the title, I will probarbly not re use this Masthead and will use a standard style title across the top of the cover.

Monday 26 November 2012

Research and planing: Contents Page

I Created this on Photoshop for ipad, I used a basic colour fade to create the background for the contents page. I like the Font the most on this draft as the rest is of low quality and will not be edited for the final contents page. Also How i put 1-5 and 8-15 does not suit the DJ genre as others just put 001 then a new subject on 006, I will use this on my next draft.

Friday 16 November 2012

Research and Planning: Risk Assesment Form

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Analysed

1 -

 2 -

 3 -

The Three Double Page spreads are packed with:

- News

- Charts info
- Diaries
- Artists 
- Stories

1 - This First Double page Spreads main feature is large pictures and little amounts of text for the reader. There are small boxes with titles such as 'Need To Know' these boxes display content about the band 'The Teenagers.' The text is small and surrounded by pictures and quotes of the band, making the text more appealing to read.

2 - The Second double page spreads Title is 'No Stone Unturned' hinting that the paragraphs below will include personal information on the artist. From the pictures you can see he dresses in a Hip-Hop style and this is like his genre. There is a large amount of text will less pictures, so the text would be aimed at people who want the latest information on the artist.

3 - The Third double page spread has multiple pictures and Neon style colours. You can instantly tell the genre for the double page spread with titles such as 'Party Maison', 'Scouse House' and 'Ready for The Floor.' Each of the groups of text includes information on the latest parties and there is a lot of photos to break up the text into smaller chunks. The Photos are all taken at night with bright lighting and people dancing drinking alcohol. The pages also include information of DJ tours.


Wednesday 14 November 2012

Reasearch and Planning: Plan For The Week

- Create one location recce and risk assesment
- Begin production of magazine
- Start writing double page spread story
- Extra post based on genre

Friday 9 November 2012

Research and Planning: SLR Test Shots

I took many photos, both inside and out, and took pictures of people, landscapes and detailed objects. The shots of people are the clearest and have the best focus, this is because i manually focused them so the picture was perfect. The top photo was the high detailed shot which shows the pattern of the wall. The outdoor shots that show the motion of the car are rather out of focus, but this helps to add the effect of motion and create movement in the photo. The environment i took photos in i don't think will be appropriate for my genre.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Research and Planning: Publication Plan


Research and Planning: Interview Questions

Do you think the masthead 'DJtech' is appropriate for the genre?

Do you think the colour scheme white, electric blue and black would work for a music magazine of the DJ genre?

Do you think i should have a medium close up my cover or a different shot type?

Research and Planning: Costume And Prop List

For the front cover of my college magazine I will need:

- Clothes to suit the DJ genre
- shirt
- A pair of headphones similar to those worn by a DJ
- possibly DJ decks 
- Shades

These will make the person on the cover suit the Genre.

Friday 26 October 2012

Research and Planning: Production Schedule

This is the order I am going to do the tasks in order to create my magazine.

Research and Planning: Music Magazine Interview Questions

This Questionairre was handed out to 10 boys and girls in my media class, aged 16-18, this was similar to those i would be targeting my magazine at. The feedback of these questions will be displayed on a future post.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Research and Planning: Music Magazine Draft Drawn

This is my draft of my music magazine including my chosen Masthead 'DJtech' I have used a written font style i found appropriate. I also included a publication line saying 'Upcoming DJ Info' for people who appreciate the genre and want even more info! There is the names of DJs on the right which may influence people to pick up the magazine to know the latest news about their music.

Research and Planning: Questionnaire Feedback

These are the results if my questionnaire, i did this questionnaire for the feedback on what information to use inside on the double page spread and what info to show on the front cover. I also asked wether anyone had any ideas for a masthead and i particularly like the name 'DJtech' the majority of people i asked were females and below the age of 18.

From the feedback I recieved I will probarbly use white red and maybe a blue or electric blue as the colour scheme for both the cover and contents page.